Nashik Climate Action Plan 2024
 Developed under the guidance of the Department of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Maharashtra
Prepared and compiled by WRI India
Towards a Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Nashik
"To promote low-carbon, green and inclusive development in Nashik city while building resilience for systems, people, nature and businesses in line with achieving a net-zero emissions pathway for ‘Climate Forward Maharashtra’."

We define Mitigation as the action or process of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration potential. The Nashik Climate Action Plan (Nashik CAP) includes a GHG emissions inventory for the city for base year 2021, and identifies opportunities for emission reduction based on targets set for the years 2030, 2040 and 2050 and aligning with India's net-zero goals.

Adaptation focuses on reducing the city's climate change risks and vulnerabilities, along with planning for resilience to climate harzards in current and future scenarios. The Nashik CAP consists of a spatial vulnerability assessment to identify vulnerable communities and introduce strategies and actions to increase the city's resilience.
 In the media

Maharashtra Times, published on 11th August, 2022